Opening hours

Admission is about 30 minutes before the start of the programme. We close the entrance about 30 minutes after the beginning of the last programme item. 

  Friday, 15.08. Saturday, 16.08. Sunday, 17.08.
Admission (V.I.P) ca. 13:10 * ca. 10:00 * ca. 10:00 *
Admission ca. 13:30 * ca. 10:30 * ca. 10:30 *
Programme start 14:10 11:00 11:00
Entrance closes ca. 21:30 ca. 21:30 ca. 17:430

* Depending on the situation on site, there may be deviations. 

Admission times are subject to change until the festival.

Ticket sales

Ticket sales at the box office and online close on Sunday at 4:30 pm.