
Kokubu is a spectacular show between an artistic drum storm and delicate bamboo flute sounds. Five members of the taiko ensemble from Osaka, founded in 1998 and led by shakuhachi master Chiaki Toyama, will be guests at the Main Matsuri for the first time.



Date Location
16.08.2024 14:10 Cup Noodles Main Stage Stage opening and start of the Main Matsuri
16.08.2024 18:55 Brother Sewing & Craft Main Stage Sumi-e - Live Japanese Drawing and Auction
16.08.2024 20:40 Cup Noodles Main Stage Taiko Group - Japanese Drums
17.08.2024 11:00 Cup Noodles Main Stage Taiko Group - Japanese Drums
17.08.2024 14:40 Cup Noodles Main Stage Sumi-e - Live Japanese Drawing and Auction
17.08.2024 17:45 Brother Sewing & Craft Main Stage Sumi-e - Live Japanese Drawing and Auction
17.08.2024 20:30 Cup Noodles Main Stage Taiko Group - Japanese Drums
18.08.2024 12:35 Cup Noodles Main Stage Sumi-e - Live Japanese Drawing and Auction
18.08.2024 16:35 Cup Noodles Main Stage Taiko Group - Japanese Drums