Masaki Nakamura


Masaki Nakamura is a shakuhachi player and composer. Uniquely, he uses the natural sound of the shakuhachi to move freely between different genres, uniting nature and shakuhachi. His playing can be heard in various anime films, including "ONE PIECE," "Kamen Rider Shinobi," and "Sengoku IXA." Masaki Nakamura has already made guest appearances in numerous countries, including Australia, the Netherlands, and Kenya, and will once again be a guest at the Main Matsuri in Offenbach in 2024.

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Date Location
16.08.2024 14:45 Cup Noodles Main Stage Japanese Instruments Emsenble
16.08.2024 19:00 Cup Noodles Main Stage Japanese Instruments Emsenble
16.08.2024 21:10 Cup Noodles Main Stage Yuko Suzuhana
17.08.2024 14:05 Cup Noodles Main Stage Japanese Instruments Emsenble
17.08.2024 21:00 Cup Noodles Main Stage Yuko Suzuhana
18.08.2024 12:00 Cup Noodles Main Stage Japanese Instruments Ensemble
18.08.2024 13:40 Cup Noodles Main Stage Koto - Japanese String Instrument
18.08.2024 17:05 Cup Noodles Main Stage Yuko Suzuhana